Japanese Phrase Picks

No.184 (3/25/11)

Congratulate for your Graduation!

By Emiko S.
Staff writer

March, it is a season of “Graduation ceremony” in Japan. When you finish the high school, you have a great graduation ceremony in America, aren't you? In Japan, We have a graduation ceremony when we finish the kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school and college. Korean has a same style of graduation ceremony too. Mainly of the ceremony is we get a certificate of achievement from the school. Besides that the congratulations from the principal and the current students. And the graduates returns thanks. We also sing a graduation song. We have many kinds of graduation songs. Every year, we have ranking of the graduation song. People seem to hold their memories in their song.

Japanese graduation song Best 3 of 2011
1. 卒業写真 (Sotsugyo Shashin) by Yumi Matsutoya
2. 贈る言葉 (Okuru Kotoba) by Kaientai
3. さくら (Sakura) by Naotaro Moriyama

Graduates have mixed feelings of teary good-bye and glee for a new departure. So everyone is tears, tears, tears. That is a Japanese style of Graduation. Don’t forget some tissue!

After the tragic natural disaster in the Tohoku region, many graduets regretly could not have their special ceremony. The graduation parties after the ceremony were canceled because of the resource scarcity. Please pray for Japan!

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